I get this feeling that speccing views in Rails may be pooh-poohed but with this being my first substantive Rails project I wanted to run the full gamut. As I'm using RSpec 2 I discovered that what I thought would be a readily available tag matching assertion is just gone; this is functionality that was available in RSpec 1 but removed due to its rigidness/difficulty to maintain and the fact that Webrat has have_selector for performing a similar task.

But I really wanted the simplistic and easily readable have_tag syntax so I looked around to see what else was out there. I stumbled across rspec2-rails-view-matchers which was exactly what I was looking for.

I ended up with the following code for testing that one of my show views has the required links for navigation (among other things):

require 'spec_helper'

describe "army_lists/show.html.haml" do  
  subject do
        :name => "Name",
        :user => User.new do |u|
          u.display_name = "John Smith"
          u.id = 1
        :game_system => GameSystem.new do |gs|
          gs.id = 1
          gs.name = "Generic Game System"

  it { should have_tag("a", :text => "John Smith") }
  it { should have_tag("p", :text => /Name/m) }
  it { should have_tag("a", :text => /Generic Game System/m) }